The use of raw or cooked Xuan paper for painting depends on the type of painting you are doing. The difference between pigments, Xuan paper, and ordinary paper can be explained in English as follows:
1、生宣与熟宣 (Raw vs. Cooked Xuan Paper):
生宣 (Raw Xuan Paper): It is unprocessed and has a more absorbent surface, which means the ink will spread out more and create a more natural, soft, and inkblot-like effect. This is often used for traditional Chinese ink painting techniques.
熟宣 (Cooked Xuan Paper): It has been processed to make it less absorbent and more smooth, resulting in less ink bleeding. This is often used for detailed or intricate paintings where precise lines and details are important.
2、颜料与宣纸和普通纸的区别 (Difference between Pigments, Xuan Paper, and Ordinary Paper):
颜料 (Pigments): 颜料是绘画材料中的固体颜色剂,常用于水彩画、油画等,它们与纸张的相互作用产生丰富的色彩和纹理效果。
宣纸 (Xuan Paper): 宣纸是一种特殊的传统中国画用纸,具有良好的吸墨性和耐久性,它的纤维结构使其能够吸收并均匀分布墨水,产生丰富的层次感和纹理效果。
普通纸 (Ordinary Paper): 普通纸与宣纸在质地、吸墨性和耐用性上有显著差异,普通纸通常不太适合用于绘画,因为它可能无法很好地吸收和保持墨水,而且可能在长时间后变黄或变形。